It is time for communion. Communion is a symbol of our devotion to help other in our church family, help others around the world through mission and service and our belief in God, His son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Join us to give thanks.

Around the world tens of millions of people are forced to flee their homes due to natural disaster, violence, conflict, and persecution. Some are pushed across international borders and become refugees. Others remain in their own country but cannot return to their homes.
Ripped from homes and livelihoods, most displaced people have difficulty meeting the most basic needs of shelter, food, and clothing. They have experienced severe trauma and need psychosocial support. Some face serious health problems. Host communities, often already facing widespread poverty, are further challenged with the addition of many more people in need.
Mission & Service partner the National Council of Churches of Kenya works in collaboration with others in two Kenyan refugee camps that house refugees from Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, and other countries. In existence for more than 20 years, these camps are becoming “generational”—children are born and raised in the camps and know no other life.
We sing thanksgiving that through Mission & Service we are able to support our partners in offering displaced people the basic necessities
of life.
If Mission & Service is already a regular part of your giving, thank you so much! If you have not given for Mission & Service, please join me in making Mission & Service a regular part of your life of faith. In all our Mission & Service giving, with a willing heart, we sing thanksgiving to God!
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