Charge Service 2018 07 28

Charge Service 2018 07 28

Hi Folks  Everyone Welcome

Service for Charge
– outdoors, at roadside park in Madawaska

This Sunday is a Fifth Sunday, and it’s a picnic   11:00 a.m.

North side of Hwy 60 just east of Opeongo River Bridge
– 4.3 km east of Madawaska Village (map attached)

Rev. Marilyn will introduce us to Wild Church, Cathedral of the Trees.

Picnic pot luck after the service – sugared and sugar-free cold beverages supplied

Bring plate and cutlery and a lawn chair  and bring kids and friends

Googel map link,-77.941911,3a,75y,332.59h,87.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soEvOdXXixFcUk5vPaHtiRQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

For those who will just print see below.