With the amalgamation of St. Andrew’s and Bethel United (Musclow) in 1995 our contributing membership has increased, as has our attendance. Attendance also improves with the arrival of the cottagers each summer.
We have a dedicated group of lay volunteers who help with the services as scripture readers, assist with the serving of Communion, read the Minute for Mission and regularly and , in the absence of the Minister, take responsibility for all or part of the service.
On the third Sunday of each month, we have a pot-luck lunch in the basement after service – a great opportunity to become better acquainted with our Church family.
Our UCW is a thriving organization with 18-20 people. The church is often dependent on financial aid from this source. With the aid of the UCW our church is renowned for our strawberry supper in July. (a sell out crowd with two seating of 86 each) We participate in the Logger Sports in Sept. and the Santa Claus parade in Dec. with our bake sales, lunches, bazaars and rummage sales.
We are fortunate to have a very talented organist on a regular basis and a pianist that helps us out in a pinch. We have a retired minister and a retired husband and wife minister in our congregation. They will lead us in worship or give us strength & spiritual guidance if the need arises.
Maynooth offers living accommodations, attached to the church, which was previously the manse. There is a living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, family room, bath room and full basement.
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