Location: 470 East Road Loop (off of Musclow Greenview) – please park on the road. There will be rides to the top of the hill for anyone who needs a lift.
A few notes on what to expect:
In the Cathedral of the Trees: We will gather ourselves together, attend to our arrival, share a prayer, a reading or story, and a few instructions for participating in a spiritual practice in nature which may include wandering off on your own and then regathering where you will be invited to share with each other your experiences in order to deepen them. Feel free to bring a journal or sketch book to record your encounters with the land and its creatures. There are no such things as interruptions. And the more than human world is part of our gathering – always full of wisdom and surprises.
Our meeting time will be approximately 1 to 2 hours which includes sharing in a light meal at the end if you wish to stay for that.
We meet regardless of the weather so please dress according to conditions (we would cancel only if personal safety were at risk – i.e., lightening or ice storm
Children and pets welcome and important.
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