Maynooth & Area Food Bank

The Maynooth and Area Food Bank is formed by members of the local churches and community.

The members from our United Churches are Annie Murphy, Sharon Watson and The Rev. Marilyn Zehr.

We serve up to 75 families, both part time and regular.

The churches have taken on the first Sunday of each month as Food Bank Sunday in which donations are brought to church.

The Food bank is open on the second and third Thursday of each month between 9:30 am and 12:30 PM

Been given the perfect gift that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle? Changed your mind about something that you bought yourself? It’s never too early to start collecting miscellaneous unwrapped Christmas gift donations for the food bank! Candles, shampoo, decorations, toys… if it’s new and you will not use it. consider donating it for someone who will. Undesignated gifts can be brought to the church at any time and tags for specific individuals will be made available starting in October or November.