Our Outreach to Others

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Thank You to everyone who has donated money in support of the prayer shawls! The prayer shawl ministry continues to work in our charge & community. There were 31adult shawls & 1 youth given out in 2012 bringing the total to 354 adults and 27children. Anyone knowing of anyone needing a prayer shawl please contact   Marlene Lavalley 613-338-5577 or Rev. Marilyn.

Anyone wishing to donate money to help keep it going, your monetary offering of support can be sent/given to Marlene Lavalley or Dorothy Rickard. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations

Circle of friends Pregnancy Care

           This organization, in Bancroft, is trying to offer hope, help and support in a non-judgmental environment to women, children, and their families empowering them to develop the needed skills to thrive in society. They receive support from our charge and a couple of our member churches annually.

The needs they have are educational needs, physical needs for mothers and babiesand personal needs for again Mom and Babe.

M&S Fund of the United Church of Canada

Eccumenical services with other denominations: We have good rapport with the other churches with in our charge. For example in Whitney, Smith Post Memorial and St. Anthony’s Anglican church combine their services on most fourth sundays of the month. Recently, churches came together for World Day of Prayer services in Maynooth and Whitney. And in Maynooth for VBS the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United church came together to provide this outreach to our youth

Maynooth & Area Food Bank 

The Maynooth and Area Food Bank is formed by members of the local churches an community.

The members from our United Churches are  Annie Murphy, Sharon Watson and Rev. Marilyn Zehr.

We serve up to 75 families, both part time and regular

The churches have taken on the first Sunday of each month as Food Bank Sunday in which donations are brought to church.

The Food bank is open on the second and third Thusday of each month between 9:30 – 12:30 PM

Been given the perfect gift that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle? Changed your mind about something that you bought yourself? It’s never too early to start collecting miscellaneous unwrapped Christmas gift donations for the food bank! Candles, shampoo, decorations, toys… if it’s new and you will not use it. consider donating it for someone who will. Undesignated gifts can be brought to the church at any time and tags for specific individuals will bbe made available starting in October.


      The congregations of St. Andrew’s/Bethel and Smith Post Memorial offer to the local chapters of AA a meeting place for their weekly meetings. Smith Post meetings are on Wednesday evening.

News from the Pews

        This is a quarterly news paper of our congregations. You will find this on the “News From the Pews” page

Algonquin Park Summer Ministry

During July and August, a steering committee takes on the stewardship of this ministry sponsored by ECORC and EOORC. There is a trailer that we maintain and install and remove from a campsite in Lake of Two Rivers Campground in the park. In the spring, united church personnel are solicited to provide a Sunday service for park visitors. In return the ministers have free use of the trailer and access to the park. The schedule is that the ministers come on a first come, first serve bases and occupy the trailer from noon Friday, provide the service on the Sunday and vacate for the next minister the following Friday. The steward collects the offering, which pays for part of the expenses of this ministry and conference carries the balance of the expense of costs. The steward locally is Rev. Marilyn Zehr, 613-334-0668,


Youth ministry: 

                           Scout’s Canada

               Smith Post Mem. UC is one of the sponsors with Scout Canada for the First Whitney Scout Group. The other sponsors are St Martin’s RC church and St. Anthony”s Anglican church. The group meets Tuesday at 6:30pm -8 pm in the basement of Smith Post. Contact leader Ken Begbie, 613-637-5573,ken_begbie@yahoo.ca