What we’re up to

Sometimes it feels difficult to summarize all of the work we’re up to here at EDGE.  But we want to be able to share some of the excitement we experience by working with ministries and faith communities across the country.

Here are a few things we’re excited about!

  • Launched ReVision, a project with 7 congregations (from British Columbia, rural Saskatchewan, Ottawa, and others), to engage in a full year renewal project that steeps them in spiritual reflection and practice, as they look at their structures and potential for engagement with their wider communities
  • A group of 8 pastoral charges, with 17 congregations in the Maritimes is in the initial stages of considering what a collaborative ministry might look like, and working with EDGE to ensure a dynamic reflection of small and rural pastoral charges
  • A presbytery in Ontario is hosting Community Round Tables throughout their congregations and communities
  • The Social Innovation Challenge in Calgary had 8 innovators pitch their ideas
  • 9 congregations are in various stages of our onboarding process, to help determine if their properties are viable for new projects
  • A new congregation in Winnipeg is working with EDGE to review and evaluate their ministry development and program engagement within their community

Whew!  All that and so much more!  <