Roast Beef Supper: Sunday, April 22nd 3-6:30 p.m. Adults-$15; Children 6-12-$7; 5 & under-free. At the Madawaska Multi-Complex Building. RAFFLE TICKETS will be sold at the supper & winners will be drawn following the supper.
U.C.W. MEETINGS: Lake St. Peter: Wednesday, April 11th at 1:30p,
Mark your Calendar!
Upcoming Services
Sunday, April 8th ~ 11a at the Seniors Building in Whitney
First service in new series exploring theme of creation and our relationship with the world around us Guest Speaker: Marsha Depotier celebrating indigenous spirituality led by John Canning followed by pot luck luncheon
Sunday, April 15th Lake St. Peter (9:30a) & Whitney (11:30a)
Worship Leader: Svinda Heinrichs
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