Gracious God, you have come to be with us, and you have invited us to participate in a journey of faith.  Accept our gratitude for your presence.  Guide us in our journey.

Grant us the wisdom to travel our life-course in a way that leads us closer to you.  Help us to stay on our feet when the terrain of faithfulness is ruffed.  May we feel your presence with us today as we continue our journey as people of God.

Mark your Calendar!

Pastoral Charge: Tuesday, February 13th in Lake St. Peter @ 1p


Lake St. Peter: Wednesday, February 14th at 1:30p

Madawaska: Tuesday, February 20th at noon at Theresa’s

Maynooth:  TBA

 LOONIE LUNCH: Thursday, February 15th 11:30am – 1pm at the Word of Life Outreach, Lake St. Peter.  EVERYONE WELCOME!

 Upcoming Services

Sunday, February 18th ~ 1st Sunday in Lent

Maynooth (9:30) & Madawaska (11:30)   Worship Leader: Erin Morlock

Sunday, February 25th ~ 2nd Sunday in Lent

Lake St. Peter (9:30) & Whitney (11:30)   Worship Leader: Marilyn Zehr