Sunday, September 17, 2017
We Welcome Our New Minster
9:30 a.m. Maynooth (One service only)
Worship Leader: The Rev. Marilyn Zehr
followed by social hour


Minute for Mission

Our gifts for Mission & Service support theological schools, such as Vancouver School of Theology.

Principal Richard Topping shares some reflections on the Vancouver School of Theology:

“In theological education we are trying to make preparing for ministry in the name of Jesus as difficult as it ought to be. I have thought a great deal about why ministry is so hard—secularity, post-Christendom, multiculturalism, shrinking church, opportunities to golf.

“My friend Will Willimon has persuaded me, however, that it is Jesus’ fault. He is really hard to follow—I mean ‘pray for your enemies, bless those who curse you.’ It is hard to get formed for that for life. But as Tom Hanks, who played a baseball coach in the movie A League of Their Own, said, ‘If baseball was easy, then everyone would do it.’ It’s the same with theological education.

“We want our graduates to be engaged people, folks willing to get involved in the world, not just wait for the next…. Our theological ethos is designed to nurture practitioners who are making a difference in the world for God and the gospel. It is the DNA of VST to get involved in the big challenges the world faces.”

We sing thanksgiving for the gifts of Mission & Service that support students who are discerning their path to ministry through the inspiring guidance of theological schools such as the Vancouver School of Theology.

If Mission & Service is already a regular part of your giving, thank you so much! If you have not given for Mission & Service, please join me in making Mission & Service a regular part of your life of faith. In all our Mission & Service giving, with a willing heart, we sing thanksgiving to God!