Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Roast Beef Supper: Sunday, April 22nd 3-6:30 p.m. Adults-$15; Children 6-12-$7; 5 & under-free. At the Madawaska Multi-Complex Building. RAFFLE TICKETS will be sold at the supper & winners will be drawn following the supper.

Mark your Calendar!

Upcoming Services

Good Friday ~ March 30th       Lake St. Peter (11a) & Whitney (3p)

Worship Leader: Marilyn Zehr

Sunday, April 1st ~ Sunrise Service   7a Maynooth Logger’s Field

Worship Leader: Dorothy Wilson

Sunday, April 1st ~ Easter Sunday     w/ Communion  Maynooth (9:30) & Madawaska (11:30)

Worship Leader: Marilyn Zehr