Lighting the Advent Candle
Each year we light candles in advent as a way of marking the weeks before Christmas.
In the northern hemisphere, as we progress through advent the nights get longer and the days get shorter.
Each week our advent candles she more light.
This pandemic year, we will have candles at the front of the church and invite you to light them in your homes as well.
This way the many flames unite us as a worshiping community, waiting for Jesus.
Today we mark the first Sunday of Advent,
And today we light the candle of hope.
Advent is the season of hope.
We hope for a Saviour who can save us,
A Healer who can heal us,
And a Counsellor who hears all our sorrows.
In darkness that deepens,
We wait for the coming of the light of the world.
We wait in hope as we light this candle of hope. (light the candle)
Prayer (with arm movements)
Holy One (reaching up)
Be the Hope that encircles us (draw a circle with your arms)
Be the Hope that grows within us (bring your arms to your chest)
Be the Hope the reaches beyond us. (reach forward)
Amen (bring your hands together).
Now click on the link below for the rest of the worship resource prepared by Jon Williams
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