Maynooth and Madawaska Communities of Faith

Maynooth-Madawaska Communities of Faith 

April 14, 2024

10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Bethel in Maynooth

Worship Leaders: Doris Hollingsworth and Peter Morrison

Musician: Carol Peterson

April 21, 2024

10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Bethel in Maynooth

Worship Leader Linda Crick

Musician Erin Crecelius


At St Andrews Bethel United Church,
we spend time with the stories of Jesus. By doing so, we hope to learn, be challenged, and be inspired by Jesus’ words, life and teaching.


Contact Information

Rev. Marilyn Zehr:

Church Office: 613-338-2175


St. Antonny's - Whitney

Smith-Post Memorial United Church, Whitney, Ontario.
Service Time is 11:30 am on the Second and Fourth Sunday / Month.
At St. Anthony’s Anglican Chucrh

St Paul's - Lake St. Peter

St. Paul’s United Church, Lake St. Peter
Service time is 11:00 AM
St. Paul’s United Church in Lake St. Peter has been in existence since 1945. It was built as a Congregational Church by the people of Lake St. Peter on land donated by a Lake St. Peter resident, and is still attended by active adherents of other faiths.

St Andrews - Maynooth

With the amalgamation of St. Andrew’s and Bethel United (Musclow) in 1995 our contributing membership has increased, as has our attendance. Attendance also improves with the arrival of the cottagers each summer.

St. Pauls St. James - Madawaska

St. Paul and St. James, Madawaska, Ontario
Service Time is 03:00 PM.

The amalgamation of St. James United from Cross Lake with St. Paul’s United took place in 1967. St. Paul’s and St. James celebrated their centennial in 1999, and marked the celebration with the publication of a 65 page book, 1899-1999: St. Paul’s and St. James.